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Isaiah Washington Speaks Again

Sep 28, 2018

Previously on Isaiah Washington Speaks Again, we learned how seeing E.T. with Hodges and Klein traumatized our host while serving in the U.S. Airforce. This time around Isaiah not only reveals what triggered his earlier E.T. trauma, but how a trip to Singapore left him feeling like a Malaysian coin.


Sep 20, 2018

Last episode, Isaiah Washington shared how going back to the familiar can be a bad thing. Well, this week our host reveals how exploring the unfamiliar led him to question the value of his own life in the hearts and minds of "the others".

1. Caring about the familiar
2. Seeing E.T. with Klein and...

Sep 13, 2018

Previously, on Isaiah Washington Speaks Again, our host shared how being unfamiliar with the meanings of certain words in different cultures can lead to confrontation. Well, this week, Isaiah finds himself in yet, another brawl; except now it's to save the life of an enemy.

1. The football injury

Sep 6, 2018

On the last episode of Isaiah Washington Speaks Again, we learned how drinking Combat bottles in South Korea almost cost our host his life.  This time around, Isaiah shares how a word that he had no clue existed could lead to a brawl with a fellow serviceman.

1. Never say never
2. Visiting Okinawa,...